Smackdown: Essie Pretty Edgy vs China Glaze Starboard
China Glaze,
Pretty Edgy and Starboard are not dupes. Pretty Edgy is a vibrant spring green and Starboard is a darker green that is a smidge murky in tone. If you were wondering if they were alike - be at ease! You can now own both happily. I realized I forgot to moisturize. Macro is so unforgiving.

i'm gonna go w/ starboard. it's a better formula and works better on my skintone i think :)
I own both and its such a lovely green <3, I totally agree, starboard is a tad bit darker. Great post.
I already have pretty I can't wait to get Starboard. Lovely swatches. Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you!
Thanks for this comparison. The main reason I didn't get Starboard was because I already had Pretty I must reconsider!
Thanks for this. If you have it, would you please compare Don't Mess With OPI with Starboard? They seem to be very similar.
sweet, thanks!
I don't own that OPI so I can't compare. Sorry!
I have both, glad to see they aren't exact dupes as I haven't used either yet. I like Starboard a little more I think.
Thanks for the comparison! I think I'll cut Pretty Edgy, they're pretty close, but Starboard looks better IMO.
I'm not a fan of yellow leaning greens like Starboard. Pretty Edgy on the other hand is more blue leaning and gorgeous!!
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