Smackdown: American Apparel Cameo Blue vs Butter London Blagger
American Apparel,
Butter London,
I thought they would match but they don't. Cameo Blue is dustier and softer where Blagger is deeper and more vivid. Both have a great formula and a shiny creamy finish. They do seem to compliment each other but they are not dupes. I can't pick a winner so I am proclaiming a draw. If you are a blue lover you need them both - don't question me! 

Close up of them.

Ooh, I like your split thumb shot! I think I like Blagger better, but they're both lovely!
Zoya's Breezi could be added to this mix.
I think Zoya Breezi runs more turquoise/teal compared to these two. At least from the photo's I have seen since I don't own it. Kind of the brighter summer version of these.
Ooo! They are not as close as I thought. I love my Cameo Blue and your post has saved me a little money. Thanks for this smackdown.
I love Cameo Blue. Blagger has a pretty hilarious name, though.
Ohhh thank you for the comparison. Of course now I need both :)
cameo is pretty!
I can't beleive my eyes, you can definably see the slight variation in color, however,you would never know it unless someone told you. Amazing, the colors are still gorgeous you have perfect nail shape, and your skin tone is perfect for this shade of blue. Not to mention the perfect length of nail Krisin. Cameo as you say is much more deeper than Blogger. Who would have know but you. Thank you for the comparisons.
I think I need both of these! They look like what I wanted MAC Ming Blue to be. I swapped that one away, for some reason I am really hard on blues!
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